Jun 26, 2011

Random comics...

Some more scans..

Comics, some individual, more mostly co-created with Sonali Upadhyaya!
her blog- http://sevenmilesperhour.blogspot.com/

Also, some funny, some not so.. :P

Giant Sketch Dump!!!

Well.. Its been 2 years and 2 months here at NID in Ahmedabad. We are now officially 3rd yr seniors!
But.. doesn't feel like it at all!! :P

But it has led to one thing.. our batch Pre-diploma display!! Which has led to this blog post after eons!
Being forced to scan all your work has this advantage! :P

So here is everything I could find from my sketching work (decent enough to post) from the last 2 years!!
I will try to avoid posting anything I might have already posted, but in case i have forgotten and double-posted.. hope u enjoy it just the same.. :)

If you had the patience to actually go through them all and reach here, then I Thank you!! :D
There will be another dump of various comics made by me and a friend in the next post...